Since 1923, La Maison du Missionnaire has welcomed missionaries from every Catholic congregations, religious people, and spiritual families who came to Vichy for hydrotherapeutic cures.


With 2000 years of balneology, Vichy is at the centre of the development of spa treatment featuring the latest infrastructures of Europe. Regarding balneotherapy, spa treatments or therapeutic stays, Vichy’s waters are renowned for treating digestive and rheumatic illnesses.


Because of a remarkable mineral composition, Vichy’s waters act deeply on locomotor system affections, digestive affections and metabolic diseases as well. The medicinal properties of Vichy’s waters are word widely famous: better microcirculation of the blood reducing fat cells, better hydration, quicker muscular recovery, reduction of physical pain…

(Source: tourist office of Vichy)


The mineral springs of Vichy are part of the sodium bicarbonate carbon dioxide waters and rich with dietary elements. Five springs are available for water therapy: Célestins, Lucas, Grande grille, Hôpital and Chomet.


The Centre Thermal des Domes and the Thermes Callou are the two spas treatments in Vichy.